Monthly Agenda

Meeting Agenda

  1. Call To Order:

    1. Board of Directors Meeting for: February 25th, 2025

      1. Directors Present: Shah, Ramirez, Guardado, Ortiz, and Lambert

      2. Guests Present:

  2. Old Business:

    1. Prospect Site Update regarding engineering for buildings

    2. SWRCB Sanitary Survey-items

    3. District well maintenance update

    4. Rate increase for Industrial

    5. Approval of 2025 Budget

  3. New Business:

    1. Warehouse well

    2. GIS Mapping system

    3. ihydrant pressure monitoring sensors

  4. Office Manager / Chief Operator: General Items and Field Operations

  5. Approval of Bills over $1,000.00 for the month of February

  6. Comments from Guests

  7. Closed session: Employee increases, COLA, and Director's fees

  8. If there is no other business to come before the Board, motion to Adjourn Meeting:

    1. Second:

    2. Opposed:

      1. If None opposed, We are adjourned.

  9. Next Board Meeting: March 25th, 2025

    1. Board of Directors Meeting

      1. 4:00PM

      2. Maywood Mutual Water Company No. 3

      3. 6151 Heliotrope Ave. Maywood CA. 90270

    2. Board Members: Jerry Lambert, Rafiq Shah, Veronica Guardado, Veronica Ortiz, and Sergio Ramirez.